• Perc Tests
  • Septic Systems
  • Mound Systems
  • Nitrogen reducing septic tanks
  • St Mary’s County
  • Calvert County
  • 42 Years of Experience
  • We did the first Mound System in St Mary’s County in 1981

Fill Out the Contact Form for a Free Estimate

Call: 301-904-0321

Perc Tests Mechanicsville Md of St Mary's County in Southern Md

Our Experience will guide you through

Our Experience

With over 45 years of experience with perc tests, we can help you develop your land how you want it done


How a Perc Test is Done

What to expect when you're expecting... a perc inspection


Perc Test Experience

Eddie Guy has been doing perc tests in Southern Maryland for 45 years. Based in Mechanicsville, Md, we serve all of St Marys county with their perc test needs. Why does experience matter? Imagine two possible perc sites on the same lot of land. They both have the same elevation but one is on one side of a hill, and one is on the other. You can't know what's in the ground until it is dug up. The advantage of experience is that Eddie Guy has been there and done that in all parts of St Mary's County. His advice is invaluable when the difference between a passed perc and a failed one means developing land, or calling it undevelopable marsh land. Enjoy the different experience makes.